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ValueConvert FromConvert ToValue
 British Thermal Units (BTU) Kilovolt Amps (kVa)
 British Thermal Units (BTU) Kilowatts (kW)
Celsius (C)Fahrenheit (F)
Centimeter (cm)Inches (")
Cubic Feet (ft3)Gallons (Gal)
Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)Gallons per Hour (GPH)
Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)Liters per Hour (LPH)
Cubic Meters per Hour (m3/hr)Gallons per Hour (GPH)
Cubic Meters per Hour (m3/hr)LP Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)
Fahrenheit (F)Celsius (C)
Gallons (Gal)Liters (L)
Gallons (Gal)Cubic Feet (ft3)
Gallons per Hour (GPH)Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)
Gallons per Hour (GPH)Cubic Meters per Hour (m3/hr)
Gallons per Hour (GPH)Liters per Hour (LPH)
Gallons per Hour (GPH)LP Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)
Inches (")Millimeter (mm)
Inches (")Centimeter (cm)
Kilograms (kG)Pounds (lbs)
Kilovolt Amps (kVa) British Thermal Units (BTU)
Kilovolt Amps (kVa)Kilowatts (kW) - Three phase

Kilowatts (kW)British Thermal Units (BTU)

Kilowatts (kW)Kilovolt Amps (kVa) - Three phase
Kilowatts (kW)Watts (W)
Liters (L)Gallons (Gal)
Liters per Hour (LPH)Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)
Liters per Hour (LPH)Gallons per Hour (GPH)
Liters per Hour (LPH)LP Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)
LP Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)Cubic Meters per Hour (m3/hr)
LP Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)Gallons per Hour (GPH)
LP Cubic Feet per Hour (ft3/hr)Liters per Hour (LPH)
Millimeter (mm)Inches (")
Natural Gas Cubic Feet (ft3/hr)Natural Gas Cubic Meters (m3/hr)
Natural Gas Cubic Meters (m3/hr)Natural Gas Cubic Feet (ft3/hr)
Pounds (lbs)Kilograms (kG)
Watts (W)Kilowatts (kW)

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